Clean Energy

Clean Energy


Clean Energy

Number of projects


Investment value


Grant value


Loan value


The transition to sustainable and clean energy is essential for the region’s future. A strong emphasis is placed on integrating energy markets, smart grids, increased system digitalisation and energy efficiency, including modernising district heating and energy security and ensuring a just transition. Decarbonisation and increased use of renewable energy sources are key pillars of the Economic Investment Plan (EIP) and align with the Green Agenda's aims for the Western Balkans. 

Clean energy is WBIF’s second most active area of intervention, accounting for 15% of the total WBIF grants and 21% of the project portfolio in the public sector. Renewable energy, energy efficiency and performant electricity transmission interconnections are primary funding beneficiaries.

Overall, clean energy benefitted from 21 EIP flagship investments in 2020-2024, which directed €1.8 billion towards investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and electricity transmission. The WBIF contributed €386.7 million in grants to these investments, of which €380.2 million was EU IPA funding and €6.5 million was Bilateral Donor funding. The EIP flagship investments endorsed in 2020-2024 support the transition from highly polluting coal to more sustainable energy sources. The focus is on renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, low-carbon transition, and performant electricity transmission lines. These investments' contribution to decarbonising energy production and consumption is critical to delivering on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and avoiding potentially negative consequences of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.

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Investment Priorities

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Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans

Through the Economic and Investment Plan, the support in the field of energy will be reinforced. Strong emphasis will be put on energy market integration, decarbonisation and clean energy, just transition, increased digitalisation of the system and smart grids, energy efficiency, including modernisation of district heating, and energy security. These are the key pillars of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans in line with the aims of the Green Agenda. Participation in the Energy Community Treaty provides a clear policy framework and bears the potential for regional growth through multi-country projects, and by tapping into the region’s large renewable energy and energy efficiency potential. WBIF support is oriented to the Plan’s priorities: Flagship 4 - Renewable energy, Flagship 5 - Transition from coal, Flagship 6 - Renovation wave.

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Transition from coal to sustainable and clean energy in line with the aims of the European Green Deal.

Enhanced connectivity

Extension of the Energy Union to the Western Balkans for a successful clean energy transition in the region.

Renewable energy sources

Environmentally sound investments in hydro, solar, wind and geothermal sources.

The Western Balkans-Ukraine initiative

The “Coal regions in transition platform" to support inclusive transition strategies.

Low emission gas infrastructure

Widely available, secure and affordable source of energy that will keep the region competitive.

Increase in energy efficiency

A refurbished building stock will help pave the way for a decarbonised and clean energy system.

Energy interconnections

Acceleration of the integration of Central and South Eastern European gas and electricity markets.

The Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans

Further boost to technology transfer, and access to world-class research infrastructure.

Achieved results


  • 187 MW renewable energy capacity installed
  • 165 km of electricity transmission lines upgraded
  • 964 GWh of energy saved annually

Expected results


  • 1,910 MW renewable energy generation capacity installed
  • 657 km of transmission lines upgraded
  • 68 km of gas interconnector built
  • 205,000 smart meters installed in the electricity distribution system in Kraljevo, Čačak and Niš in Serbia
  • Solar district heating introduced in Pristina

Energy Community

The Energy Community is an international organisation which brings together the European Union and its neighbours to create an integrated pan-European energy market. The organisation was founded by the Treaty establishing the Energy Community signed in October 2005 in Athens, Greece, in force since July 2006. The key objective of the Energy Community is to extend the EU internal energy market rules and principles to countries in South East Europe, the Black Sea region and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework.

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Connectivity Agenda


In 2015, the European Commission set aside up to €1 billion in grants until 2020, from the EU Pre-Accession Instrument, to support the connectivity agenda. In November 2020 at the summit in Sofia, the Western Balkan leaders welcomed the 2020 connectivity package with six projects in the areas of sustainable transport and clean energy. This package completes the delivery of the EU’s 2015 pledge, while at the same time constitutes the first step towards the implementation of the flagship projects of the Economic and Investment Plan.

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WBIF Albania - North Macedonia Power Interconnection

WBIF Albania - North Macedonia Power Interconnection Factsheet (October 2024)

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WBIF Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor


WBIF Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor

WBIF Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor Factsheet (October 2024)

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Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners