Environment & Climate

Environment & Climate


Environment & Climate

Number of projects


Investment value


Grant value


Loan value


The European Green Deal is underpinned by policies designed to develop resource-efficient and competitive economies where growth is decoupled from resource use and climate neutrality is pursued. The Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) and the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans set out significant investments in environment and climate to upgrade infrastructure, introduce climate-smart technologies, modernise water and waste management and strengthen resilience to extreme conditions.

The WBIF environmental projects account for 11% of the total WBIF grants and 13% of the project portfolio in the public sector. The focus is on water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, and integrated solid waste management.

Overall, the environment and climate benefitted from 12 EIP flagship investments in 2020-2024, bringing €645.8 million of investments in water supply, sanitation, and solid waste management. The WBIF contributed €274.5 million in grants to these investments, of which €267.9 million was EU IPA funding and €6.6 million was Bilateral Donor funding.

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Investment Priorities

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Updated WBIF factsheets now available


Updated WBIF factsheets now available

Autumn brings the updated WBIF factsheets, including the latest figures and project examples.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina and World Bank sign €8 million grant


Bosnia and Herzegovina and World Bank sign €8 million grant

This finances the first phase of development of the waterway on the Sava River

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Spring updates for WBIF factsheets


Spring updates for WBIF factsheets

Overviews by WBIF sector, transport corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects are now available.

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Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans

The European Green Deal is underpinned by policies designed to develop modern, resource-efficient and competitive economies where growth is decoupled from emissions of greenhouse gases, resource use and waste generation, where climate resilience is pursued. The Green Deal can only be fully effective if the EU’s immediate neighbourhood also takes action at an early stage. This is all the more valid for the Western Balkans given their European perspective. 

The Commission is therefore presenting a Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. Economic growth and new business opportunities will be linked to more sustainable consumption and production patterns, including promotion of a circular economy, conservation of scarce resources, and better re-use of waste products, linked to all economic sectors, including urban and rural perspectives, and building on ecosystem sustainability as a precondition for success. 

In the environment sector, the Economic and Investment Plan foresees the Flagship 7 - Waste and Wastewater Management.

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Economic growth and new business opportunities

Linked to more sustainable consumption and production patterns, including promotion of a circular economy.

Long-term Climate Strategies and National Energy and Climate Plans

EU support to the Western Balkans in implementing the partners’ strategies and plans.

Boosting private companies

Moving all sectors of the economy towards sustainability, whether in energy, mobility, or agriculture.

Innovative green and digital technologies

Create new business models that allow industry to be more productive decarbonised.

Shift towards the circular economy

Establish the recycling and reuse as the rule while the use of natural resources is significantly reduced.

Protection of biodiversity

Restoration of the natural capital and efficient waste collection systems to prevent the environmental pollution.

Achieved results


  • 2.4 million people with access to improved drinking water and sanitation
  • 337,200 people benefitting from efficient waste collection and disposal services
  • Over 660,000 people protected from floods
  • Flood forecasting and warning system for 5.4 million people in the Sava River Basin

Expected results


  • 1.8 million people have access to improved drinking water and sanitation
  • 1.1 million people benefit from improved waste collection and disposal services
  • 217,644 m3/day additional wastewater treatment capacity


The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is the blueprint for a 2050 future of climate neutrality and environmental sustainability. The five-pillar agenda is aligned with the ambitions of the European Green Deal, and it relies on urgent regulatory reforms and significant investments:

  • Decarbonisation and climate resilience
  • Circular economy
  • Depollution: air, water & soil
  • Sustainable food systems & rural areas
  • Biodiversity: protection & restoration of ecosystems

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The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is shared between the region and the European Union, having been adopted with the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans and endorsed by the leaders of the region through the Sofia Declaration in November 2020.

Work is done in close cooperation with the governments in the region and with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).

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WBIF Environment and Climate


WBIF Environment and Climate

WBIF Environment and Climate Factsheet (September 2024)

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WBIF Bilateral Donors Factsheet


WBIF Bilateral Donors Factsheet

WBIF Bilateral Donors factsheet (last updated in July 2024).

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Economic and Investment Plan: Endorsed Flagship Investments 2020-2024


Economic and Investment Plan: Endorsed Flagship Investments 2020-2024

Flagship investments endorsed under the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, July 2024.

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Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners