In order to improve the situation in the water and wastewater sector, Republika Srpska has initiated a comprehensive reconstruction effort in the selected municipalities with the help of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), European Investment Bank (EIB) and Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of living conditions of approximately 450,000 people in the Republika Srpska, securing adequate water supply and sanitation services in around 32 municipalities, and the implementation of environmental protection measures compliant with the obligations of the EU accession and legislation harmonisation.
WBIF has provided continuous technical assistance since 2010 to support the project preparation and implementation. This TA grant, the third in a row, has financed the following components of technical assistance during the implementation phase: scoping missions and reports, preparation and update of project fiches, project appraisal missions and reports, project preparation feasibility studies, preparation of tender dossiers, additional technical assistance to the Project Implementation Teams (PITs), and support to Project Implementation Unit (PMU) as necessary.