Mediterranean Corridor: Tirana Bypass in Albania

Mediterranean Corridor: Tirana Bypass in Albania

Project Description

This WBIF technical assistance grant has continued the preparation works on the 400 kV OHTL interconnection Elbasan-Bitola (Albanian part) including Elbasan 2 Substation extension. After the completion of the feasibility study in previous phases, this grant has financed the preparation of a detailed design and update of the environmental impact assessment.

This 400-kV transmission system will connect Fier to Elbasan and from there to the border with North Macedonia. It will make the power supply system in Southern Albania more reliable and help connect the Albanian power transmission systems to the wider region. Considering that the Albanian power generation system is predominantly based on hydro power, while the Macedonian one is predominantly relying on coal and heavy oil (85%), this interconnection will help balance the power markets, reduce the hydrology risk in Albania, and regional dispatching of energy between two power systems.

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners