Kosovo, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewerage Network Extension and Rehabilitation in Gjilan

Kosovo, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewerage Network Extension and Rehabilitation in Gjilan

Project Description

Albania has a small and run-down domestic gas supply network and remains unconnected to the regional and European gas networks. The diversification of sources and routes of the energy supply has been a strategic objective of the Government, including the development of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP Project) and Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP).

However, there have been no concrete plans for the development of gas transmission and distribution systems and gas utilisation in Albania. This intervention aimed to identify priority investments required to facilitate the gasification of Albania, and deliver the objectives of cleaner energy supplies with reduced CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.

Technical assistance, provided through WBIF, was focused on the preparation of a comprehensive medium-term natural gas development master plan for Albania together with the supporting institutional measures. The Gas Master plan also included institutional factors relating to tariffs, potential implementation arrangements, and the development of transmission and distribution system operators and regulatory competence in Albania. At the request of the Beneficiary, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of proposed investments was also included in the scope of the work.

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners